Gas dynamics  

Course Contents - How to apply the basic laws of mechanics and thermodynamics to describe compressible flows. - How can we properly describe a compressible flow field using the Euler equation + jump relations. - Understand the concept of characteristics and invariants in the context of linear and non-linear flows. - How to apply characteristics for non-linear flows for the computation of isentropic unsteady flows. - Understand the relation between shock waves and characteristics. - Application of Hugoniot and Poisson curves to solve a Riemann problem. - Definition of characteristics for 2D steady flows, and similarity with 1D unsteady flows (time-like and space-like). - How can use the method of characteristics and method of waves to compute a 2D compressible flow field. - Investigate the effect of viscosity and heat transfer in a 1D flow (Fanno and Rayleigh flow). Study Goals At the end of this course, the student will be able to: - Understand aerodynamic concepts and apply aerodynamic theory for compressible flows. - Apply the fundamental equations of fluid mechanics and thermodynamics to describe compressible flows; derive the governing equations for compressible flow and discuss the terms. - Derive the jump relations for the Euler equations and describe their relation to shock waves. - Discuss the role of entropy in combination with the jump relation for a correct description of a flow field. - Explain the concept of characteristics and invariants for 1D unsteady and 2D steady flows and how to use them for flow field computations (MOC). - Understand the role of characteristics in shock wave formation, elaborate on the theory of simple waves. - Derive the equations governing 1D flows through channels and nozzles in presence of viscosity and heat transfer. Explain the physical phenomena and processes that occur.
Gas dynamics

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